Tuesday, June 9, 2009

we beat the streets #2

*this section was on Rameck Hunt when he was 9 years old and started when he was in the principals office for the third time that week.
*i bet the nun felt bad when im the future she found out that Rameck was more successful then she was, becasue she told him that he would go anywhere in life.
*on the block going to a cathelic school meant you was rich but in the school he was thought of as poor. wow...
*then it was about George Jenkins and when he was 8 years old in school and this lady said his school was in the ghetto and everyone got upset and walked away.
*i noticed that all three boys dont live close together but have similar lives. they love school but always get in trouble.
*if rameck told the nun that the work was easy and that he always finishes first why would they put him in speacial ed?
*when they said the door opened and they stopped fighting, who was at the door?
*when was the Black Plague?
*why wouldnt miss johnson say something when the lady insulted them?
*dysfunctional-malfunctionind of a organ or a element
*combated- to fight or contend against
*embroidery- the act of embroidered
literary terms
*irony- the nun said the boys who casue interuptions wont be successful but he is.
*imagery- i could picture misss johnson talking in her high pitch voice.
overview statement
*this was about rameck hunt and george jenkins as kids and how they love school but there was someone that just ticked them off

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