Friday, December 12, 2008

54321#7 of (cwsw)

* in the middle of 1991 two people who were described of having black power were O'Shea "ice cube" Jackson and Angela Y. Davis.
* i never knew that ice cube didn't have a strong son and father relationship and basically only had his mother.
* i thought it was funny but real when it said "Every Mother***** with a color was wanted" because back then that's when the streets were really crazy.
* I never knew that Angela Davis was a anti feminist.
* i thought it was cool for the two of them to meet when one was fighting for black people especially men and one for black women but they were still kind of against each other.
* what was the point of calling Muhammad names and a wanna be gangsta?
* who is Theodor Adorno?
* what is SNCC?
* what is Black Uhuru?
* activists-relating to, or engaged in activism.
* phallocentric-a doctrine or belief centered on the phallus, esp. a belief in the superiority of the male sex.
* debacle-a general breakup or dispersion; sudden downfall or rout.
2literay terms
* metaphor- they said that weakness was feminized,meaning it was like for women not men.
* simile- it says that jacking is the American way for ice cube because he is a gangsta.
1overview statement
* this was about the lives of ice cube and Angela Davis and how they grew up and what they did as adults.

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