Tuesday, January 27, 2009

54321 #6 (T.P.T)

*one mom said teenagers begin to explode intellectually at the age of 16.
*i think whether your young or old everyone askes themselves WHO AM I?
*there are more teenagers these days who are are killing: teachers, parents, other students.
*one girl was run over by a car at 15months and didnt have problems till she was older.
*parents get excited when their kids start to get their jokes.
*when does the brain start to trigger that the person has done something terrible?
*since there are kids and adults who do the same crimes does that mean adults and teenagers think the same way?
*why can they say the reason teenagers shoot guns is because there brain isnt mature, what is the excuse for adults?
*who is cauffman?
*meticulously- taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough
*altruistic- unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others
*sardonic- characterized by bitter or scornful derision
literary terms
*dialogue- one mom said "the big good thing about teenagers is their humor" and the others agreed.
*Simile- to neurologist teenagers can be hard to read like a algebra book to a 10 yr old until you get the main idea or how it works.
overview statement
* this was about how teenagers act and how you can tell they are growing up by how they understand jokes that they never did before.

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