Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the killer angels #10

*i thought either Longstreet,Lee or Chamberlain where going to die.
*i wonder if Longstreet is going to get depressed again.
*they said the army men looked gray and cold and sick, i think the war is slowly ending.
*they said the mean were crying was it because someone died because i think they were just tired of fighting
*why didn't anyone die if its a battle?
*why was it so hard for him to pray if he wanted to?
*what is Longstreet going to do now that he feels the battle is over?
*why were the men crying?
*trilogy-a series or group of three plays, novels, operas, etc., that, although individually complete, are closely related in theme, sequence, or the like
*unsparing-lenient or mercifull
*bawled-to cry or wail lustily
Literary terms
*metaphor- his mind was a bloody vacancy.
*metaphor- the battle dissolve to a nightmare.
Overall Statement
*this was about the end of the war and all the men were crying together and Longstreet was getting depressed again.

the killer angels #9

*i didn't know Hankcock was alive during this period.
*i didn't get when Chamberlain said he smelt coffee and it remind him of chicken.
*its a lot for someone to walk around painfully, sleepily,and still walk.
*it was descriptive when they said he didn't shave,shower or change clothes.
*it was funny when i pictured the old crusty stork munching on a chicken leg.
*did Hancock the movie get its name from this Hancock?
*chamberlain said he smelt coffee it remind him of chicken,how?
*where is Bowdoin?
*whats the "bubble reputation in the cannons mouth"?
*rigging-the ropes, chains, etc., employed to support and work the masts, yards, sails, etc., on a ship.
*blearily-indistinct; unclear
*splotched-a large, irregular spot; blot; stain; blotch.
Literary Terms
*imagery- i could picture the old stork eating chicken and everyone looking at him.
*imagery- i could picture Chamberlains face when he found out Lawrence died.
Overall statement
*was about Lawrence and chamberlain walking around talking about new things.

the killer angels #8

*i think this section has the most description when it describes all the actions on the line.
*i like how they described the army as a moving fragment
*this section is one that i actually like because its showing how there getting ready and now i can see whats happening.
*Chamberlain is still limping i don't think he can even fight any more that's kind of brave.
*these people have accents he said happens every SUMtimes.
*why did it take so long for the two armies to meet?
*what day did the fight actually occur?
*what does this mean"they had broken a Reb assault"?
*who is Pitzer?
*dapper-neat; trim; smart
*privy-private; assigned to private uses.
*solicitous-anxious or concerned
Literary Terms
*imagery-i could picture the line with thousands of men and horses and the Napoleons row on row and miles of wagons and shells.
*metaphor-the great army, a moving fragment of this unending line.
Overall Statement
*was on when the army was lining up ready for the other side to come and they were meeting, and they could see the other line coming.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

the killer angels #7

*I'm half way done with the book and I'm still confused and I'm just waiting for the two sides to meet and fight and see who wins.
*i would think it would be easier to fight when its not raining because you can see but it doesn't sound that way with them.
*since they are getting closer together i would think it would be harder to fired cannons without both sides getting hurt.
*i just realized that Lee and Longstreet are on the same side.
*now that i know who's on the same side now I'm wondering about who is the enemy.
*when did Lee and Longstreet meet up because i thought he was going another direction?
*to them would they rather fight in the rain than in dry weather because they always same the mist and rain are marvelous?
*do they give the enemies point of view?
*I'm kind of confused now so who is the enemy?
*nugatory-of no real value; trifling; worthless.
*piddling-amounting to very little; trifling; negligible
*rein-any of certain other straps or thongs forming part of a harness, as a check rein.
literary terms
*imagery- i could picture all those cannons just sitting there with even more men standing beside it.
*imagery-i could picture Longstreets face they said it was without expression, and looked dark and gray even though it was light out.
overall statement
*this was about everyone deciding what place to go to next,Chamberlain is going to the center line and Lee and the are still going south way south.

the killer angels #6

*i noticed that the whole 1st sentence of this chapter was all in capitals instead of just the first letter.
*i thought they said they fixed Chamberlains foot but they said it kept bleeding and annoying him.
*i thought it was a coincident that 1st Lee got hurt now Chamberlain is hurt.
*i didn't get why the guy was so depressed that he killed many by guys but few by the bayonet when he doesn't even like that weapon.
*Tom was so sure that they were going to win the war, i think its good to stay positive.
*why were they pouring coffee around the cannons?
*how did Chamberlain get his leg hurt and his foot bleeding, was it from the walking and climbing trees?
*if you're in a war why wouldn't you like a bayonet,something that could protect you from another?
*who are the Rebs and why did Tom admire them?
*pickets-a post, stake, pale, or peg that is used in a fence or barrier, to fasten down a tent
*bayonets-a dagger like steel weapon that is attached to or at the muzzle of a gun and used for stabbing or slashing in hand-to-hand combat.
*typhoid-an infectious, often fatal, febrile disease, usually of the summer months, characterized by intestinal inflammation and ulceration, caused by the typhoid bacillus, which is usually introduced with food or drink.
literary terms
*imagery- the sky was thick and gray,smelling of heat and rain.
*personification-the odor of death.
overall statement
*this was about what happened on Friday, July3rd of 1863

the killer angels #5

*when they started talking bout chamberlain it was like a different story.
*i thought Chamberlain was a man but then it said she.
*i think they wanted us to think was a man because when they finally said she they italicized it.
*when she found out the guy was black i didn't get why they were so fascinated by it.
*i started wondering if black people were around in that time.
*who is Chamberlain?
*what side is General McClellan on?
*what are Enfields?
*what is the difference between Enfields and Springfields?
*tabulating-shaped like a table or tablet; tabular
*forester-a person who is expert in forestry
*lone-standing by itself or apart
Literary terms
*simile-the regiment sat in an ope field studded with boulders like half sunken balls.
*simile-is eyes were moving like a forester through a treasured grove.
Overall statement
*this was about Chamberlain and she was talking to kilrain about so of the injuries and killings and the guy with the bullet hole who was black.

the killer angels #4

*i thoutht it was weird how each time they describe a person they made them hurting and crying.
*they always talk about how the other side is thinking if the other will attack it makes me anxious to see who will 1st.
*i realized that no one has a last name.
*i never knew Lee was a Englishman.
*it was cool when they mentioned charles darwin because i just learned about him awhile back Questions
*why does each of them Lee and Longstreet always sound depressed and lost in life?
*who is Goree?
*how come all those men died from fever and Longstreet didn't even get sick?
*which side attacks 1st?

*imagery- the black mound look strange lumpy and misshapen.
*disreputable-shabby or shoddy; of poor quality or condition
*stridden-to pass over or across in one long step
*moralist-a person who teaches or inculcates morality.
Literary terms

*imagery- i could picture when the 15,000 men tiptoeing just so they wouldn't wake up one person.
Overall statement
*this was about Longstreet talking to Fremantle about what they thought was going on with General Lee.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

the killer angels 3

*I liked how they made lee seem like he was all but at the same time like he was about to die.
*I didn't know that the 1st section that i read in this 54321 was a dream.
*To be honest, i this book has alot of talking instead of action but thats just to me.
*I think they describe the setting on almost every 2 pages and its very descriptive.
*Ithought Longstreet were enemies.
*Since Lee is hurt why can't he just take a break, don't they have nurses?
*When did Longstreets spy get caught they never said it, they just hinted at it?
*I wonder if throughout the story are the only shelters tents?
*What does mean when it says'there was no hunger in the glassy chest'?
*Pious-having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations.
*Raucous-harsh; strident; grating
*Tethered-a rope, chain, or the like, by which an animal is fastened to a fixed object so as to limit its range of movement.
Literary terms
*Simile- the soak down through him like hot liquid sunshine
*Imagery- the beautiful gray horse, the great soft eyes
Overall statement
*This was about how Lee was telling the dream he had and how he was really hurt he felt he was dying.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

the killer angels 2

1.this book has a lot of imagination when the people speak like i don't know if they trying to paint a picture or just trying to sound colorful.
2.this book doesnt have alot of action yet i just wonder when they'll start fighting.....!
3.i liked when longstreet was like "good lord, george, whats that smell," and pickett was like "thats me aint it lovely."
4. since the war is in 4 fights i wonder if one side will win more fights than the other or if one side wins them all.
5.i wouldnt call this a holy war like longstreet said becaue its suppose to be a bloody war.

1.why General Hill believe that Pettigrew is not a professional?
2. was the spy from chapter 1 the same spy in chapter 4?
3.what is an inside straight?
4.what kind of accent does longstreet have (because he says not 't' all)?

1.cavalry- the part of a military force composed of troops that serve on horseback
2.infantry-soldiers or military units that fight on foot, in modern times typically with rifles, machine guns, grenades, mortars, etc., as weapons
3.brooding-preoccupied with depressing, morbid, or painful memories or thought

literary terms-
-personification-"he saw the star fall"
-imagery- i could picture all those people sitting around the fire laughing but getting frustrated by all the bugs

overview statement
1. in this part it was talking about how longstreet and the other guys saw a infantry coming and the wanted to prepare so they sent another spy out they didnt know what order to give to the cacarly yet so they just stood by for a while until they got closer.