Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the killer angels #10

*i thought either Longstreet,Lee or Chamberlain where going to die.
*i wonder if Longstreet is going to get depressed again.
*they said the army men looked gray and cold and sick, i think the war is slowly ending.
*they said the mean were crying was it because someone died because i think they were just tired of fighting
*why didn't anyone die if its a battle?
*why was it so hard for him to pray if he wanted to?
*what is Longstreet going to do now that he feels the battle is over?
*why were the men crying?
*trilogy-a series or group of three plays, novels, operas, etc., that, although individually complete, are closely related in theme, sequence, or the like
*unsparing-lenient or mercifull
*bawled-to cry or wail lustily
Literary terms
*metaphor- his mind was a bloody vacancy.
*metaphor- the battle dissolve to a nightmare.
Overall Statement
*this was about the end of the war and all the men were crying together and Longstreet was getting depressed again.

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