Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the killer angels #8

*i think this section has the most description when it describes all the actions on the line.
*i like how they described the army as a moving fragment
*this section is one that i actually like because its showing how there getting ready and now i can see whats happening.
*Chamberlain is still limping i don't think he can even fight any more that's kind of brave.
*these people have accents he said happens every SUMtimes.
*why did it take so long for the two armies to meet?
*what day did the fight actually occur?
*what does this mean"they had broken a Reb assault"?
*who is Pitzer?
*dapper-neat; trim; smart
*privy-private; assigned to private uses.
*solicitous-anxious or concerned
Literary Terms
*imagery-i could picture the line with thousands of men and horses and the Napoleons row on row and miles of wagons and shells.
*metaphor-the great army, a moving fragment of this unending line.
Overall Statement
*was on when the army was lining up ready for the other side to come and they were meeting, and they could see the other line coming.

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