Saturday, April 25, 2009

the killer angels 3

*I liked how they made lee seem like he was all but at the same time like he was about to die.
*I didn't know that the 1st section that i read in this 54321 was a dream.
*To be honest, i this book has alot of talking instead of action but thats just to me.
*I think they describe the setting on almost every 2 pages and its very descriptive.
*Ithought Longstreet were enemies.
*Since Lee is hurt why can't he just take a break, don't they have nurses?
*When did Longstreets spy get caught they never said it, they just hinted at it?
*I wonder if throughout the story are the only shelters tents?
*What does mean when it says'there was no hunger in the glassy chest'?
*Pious-having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations.
*Raucous-harsh; strident; grating
*Tethered-a rope, chain, or the like, by which an animal is fastened to a fixed object so as to limit its range of movement.
Literary terms
*Simile- the soak down through him like hot liquid sunshine
*Imagery- the beautiful gray horse, the great soft eyes
Overall statement
*This was about how Lee was telling the dream he had and how he was really hurt he felt he was dying.

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